Agenda – AGM 2016
North End Business Improvement Zone
2016 Annual General Meeting
November 17th, 2016, UNF Hall,
935 Main Street 6:00
- Networking and Dinner.
- Welcome and introduction to the Board of Directors and Guests.
- Appoint a Minute Taker
- Approve the Agenda for the 2016 Annual General Meeting
- Presentation: Dawn Sands, Executive Director, North End Community Renewal Corporation
- Approve the Minutes of the North End BIZ 2015 AGM.
- President’s Report
- Financial Report
- Approve the 2015 Audit
- Appoint an Auditor for the 2016 fiscal year end
- Approve the Proposed 2017 Budget
- Report on nominations received by November 14th, 2016.
- Motion to Adjourn.
October 31, 2016