About Us
Who We Are:
A registered Charity under the City of Winnipeg Act, comprised of all the business from North of the Higgins Underpass to St. John’s Avenue, both East and West Sides of Main. We are a tool for organizing businesses towards cooperative efforts and are a key to developing a more attractive physical environment and to foster a more successful business area. The Board consists of member businesses, a City appointed Councilor and a Economic Development Officer from the City of Winnipeg.
We support, advocate and act as a resource for our business members!
Our Goals:
To retain existing businesses and attract new business by working towards a thriving business environment.

How Do We Do This?
- We work with Council, Police and By-Law Officers to report and reduce crime.
- We work to improve streetscape design by implementing CPTED principals (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design.
- We foster a positive perception of the business area
- We advocate on behalf of our business members
- We provide resources to our business members
- We partner with member organizations such as North End Community Renewal Corporation and the North End Business Development Centre, acting as a steering member on the Neighbourhoods Alive! Exterior Storefront Improvement Grants
- We work with existing Residential Associations.
- We support our members with our own exterior safety and improvement Grants and provide exterior safety lighting at little or no cost.
- We provide advertising for our members and links to their own websites by way of this website.